
Mark 1 The Gospel begins at a rapid pace; John announces the good news of a life-change that leads to forgiveness of sins and that a person is coming who will do a far more powerful work in people than his water baptisms. John is pointing to Jesus and Jesus is quickly at work - he is baptized by John and preaches and teaches with authority, not quibbling and leaning on other people's interpretations of God. Its as though Jesus knows God so intimately that there is no separation between the two.
Jesus then invites several fisherman to join him in his travels.  Without knowing much beyond the rumors of his preaching they decide to follow him.  They leave everything behind in an instant for the chance to see men and women come to God.

That's when the healings begin.  Jesus cast a demon out of a man who writhed on the ground, but then was made whole as the demon left him.  Then Jesus went to Peter's house, whose mother was gravely ill.  Jesus healed her and she immediately began to serve them dinner.  Jesus even cured a man with leprosy, a disease that was so horrible and contagious that lepers were forced into exiled communities outside of the main cities. 

Its obvious that, with Jesus, the Good News has arrived.  Jesus is intimate with God, he heals people and he changes lives in an instant...and he does it all so quickly in this Gospel. I pray God would have that kind of quick effect in my life too.