
Mark 4 

Jesus begins to use stories to explain the Kingdom of God to those who follow him. First is a story about the seed that falls on the ground. Some fell on the road and birds ate it. Some fell in gravel, but it didn't have deep roots. Some fell in weeds and was strangled as it came up. Some, though, fell on good earth and produced a huge harvest. Jesus gives an interesting explanation to his use of stories. He says that they are for those who cannot see the kingdom of God; "everything comes in stories, creating readiness, nudging them toward receptive insight."

Jesus shares another quick story about the light from lamps. No one covers up their lamp with a basin or hides it under the bed. Instead they put it up on the table or nightstand. In the same way we share the things people want to keep secret and bring things out into the open. A third, quick story Jesus tells, is about more seeds in soil. This time the seed is thrown on the field and forgotten. Despite the farmers forgetfulness the seed still grows. He doesn't have to do anything to it and it ripens until harvest time. Then he compares that kingdom to a pine nut (or mustard seed); a tiny seed that becomes a huge tree that everyone can nest in. 

The section ends with these words, "Jesus was never without a story when he spoke. What stories do you tell? And how do your stories point to the Kingdom of God as Jesus's did? Be ready to point the way forward with the right story.