
Mark 9

Jesus is with the disciples. He brought them away from the large crowds so that he could teach them.  They ended up heading back to Jesus' home in Capernaum. When they were alone the disciples shared with Jesus something they had done - they saw a man trying to cast out a demon in the name of Jesus and they stopped him.

Jesus didn't really like that.  He said to them, "Don't stop him. No one can use my name to do something good and powerful, and in the next breath cut me down. If he's not an enemy, he's an ally."  This seems counter to how we usually think about people.  Often our first step is to identify who is a friend and who is an enemy.  If we don't know a person as a friend, we assume they are the enemy, but Jesus says the opposite. He says anyone that is not specifically an enemy is a friend!  He also says that people who do good things can't just turn around and hate Jesus.  If we are doing good things we are doing them for God.

But Jesus doesn't stop there; he takes it to the next level. If a person is doing good and pursuing God, they will do whatever it takes to continue to follow God and do God's will.  This is where Jesus shares possibly the hardest passage of scripture concerning discipleship, "If your hand or your foot gets in God's way, chop it off and throw it away. You're better off maimed or lame and alive than the proud owner of two hands and two feet, godless in a furnace of eternal fire."  I don't take Jesus' words literally. I think he is using a dramatic metaphor to make a point. It takes everything, including great sacrifice, to continue to pursue God. But the good news is you have lots of people to support you along the way.  Whoever does good is with you on the journey as an ally and a friend!