Luke 9
Jesus went on a tear in building up the kingdom. He set up his disciples to go and proclaim the good news everywhere they went. People were so amazed by what was happening they started saying John the Baptist had come back to life, or that Elijah the prophet had appeared. The people couldn't see any other way of understanding these fantastic miracles.
I love that Jesus tells them to keep their ministry simple. They aren't doing parlor tricks or bringing lots of equipment that God will mysteriously use (It makes me think of Moses' staff that turned into a snake when he threw it to the ground). Instead, Jesus tells them "you are the equipment." They don't need anything to do these things other than themselves. They don't need money, they don't need fancy hotels, they don't need to make a scene when people don't welcome their message; they just need to tell people the good news and let God use them.
There is one question for me that hangs over this episode, though. The disciples leave to tell people "the latest news of God, the Message" and they cure people. That's all well and good, except a little later on, after the disciples have returned from sharing this good news, Jesus seems to continue the theme by asking "what are the crowds saying about me, about who I am?" After answering Elijah, John the Baptist or one of the prophets from long ago, Jesus asks about them. "Who do you say I am?" This is where Peter famously steps up and says "You are the Messiah of God" and then Jesus does something strange. He tells them to be quiet about it. He says to tell no one. This is what scholars call "the Messianic secret." There are lots of times in scripture where Jesus says not to tell people who he is, but I wonder what message were the disciples sharing earlier in the chapter? What was the latest news about God? I would normally assume the good news is that God is here and he is here in the form of a person, Jesus Christ. But I think its clear that's not what they shared. They shared something else about who God is and what God was doing.
This gives me a little hope. Sometimes I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I don't know what God is saying or even who God is. Life at its worst can shake the foundations we think are so secure, but the good news is that even the disciples didn't get it. If they didn't get it and they were right there with Jesus, maybe there is a little room and a little grace for me not to have it all together just yet. In the end, just keep it simple. Be God's equipment. Stay open. Stay honest and let God do the rest.
Jesus went on a tear in building up the kingdom. He set up his disciples to go and proclaim the good news everywhere they went. People were so amazed by what was happening they started saying John the Baptist had come back to life, or that Elijah the prophet had appeared. The people couldn't see any other way of understanding these fantastic miracles.
I love that Jesus tells them to keep their ministry simple. They aren't doing parlor tricks or bringing lots of equipment that God will mysteriously use (It makes me think of Moses' staff that turned into a snake when he threw it to the ground). Instead, Jesus tells them "you are the equipment." They don't need anything to do these things other than themselves. They don't need money, they don't need fancy hotels, they don't need to make a scene when people don't welcome their message; they just need to tell people the good news and let God use them.
There is one question for me that hangs over this episode, though. The disciples leave to tell people "the latest news of God, the Message" and they cure people. That's all well and good, except a little later on, after the disciples have returned from sharing this good news, Jesus seems to continue the theme by asking "what are the crowds saying about me, about who I am?" After answering Elijah, John the Baptist or one of the prophets from long ago, Jesus asks about them. "Who do you say I am?" This is where Peter famously steps up and says "You are the Messiah of God" and then Jesus does something strange. He tells them to be quiet about it. He says to tell no one. This is what scholars call "the Messianic secret." There are lots of times in scripture where Jesus says not to tell people who he is, but I wonder what message were the disciples sharing earlier in the chapter? What was the latest news about God? I would normally assume the good news is that God is here and he is here in the form of a person, Jesus Christ. But I think its clear that's not what they shared. They shared something else about who God is and what God was doing.
This gives me a little hope. Sometimes I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I don't know what God is saying or even who God is. Life at its worst can shake the foundations we think are so secure, but the good news is that even the disciples didn't get it. If they didn't get it and they were right there with Jesus, maybe there is a little room and a little grace for me not to have it all together just yet. In the end, just keep it simple. Be God's equipment. Stay open. Stay honest and let God do the rest.