The Golden Egg
Luke 10
There was a religious type that wanted to show off to Jesus. He asked what he thought was a good question for debate, "Teacher, what do I need to do to get eternal life?" Jesus responded with another question, "What do you think?" The religious man answered with what is known as the 'Shema' in Judaism (specifically the V'ahavta). It begins with "Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is one God," but the man quotes the verse just after it, "Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and muscle and intelligence." It makes sense that the man would quote this since this is the part of Deuteronomy that begins by saying basically 'these are the commandments for you so you will have good long lives.' The man is giving a stock answer in Judaism - everyone would have said this. So the man wants to keep pushing for more. I imagine he wants Jesus to lay a golden egg for him, so he asks another question - "who is my neighbor?" And Jesus delivers; he shares the story of the Good Samaritan who saved a man attacked by robbers when all the other religious types completely ignored him.